We teach you how
Buy a home with Zero Down

Our Program Explained

The introduction to our HomwOwnership Benefits making home easy and affordable
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How combining Real Estate and Mortgage into one program give you half the commission for both
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First Time Home Buyers

Get certified to use our first-time homebuyer no down the program. Have you owned a home in the last 3 years?
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Our courses

We have courses on all aspects of homeownership from mortgages, real estate, to first-time buyers
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Who we are

We are a HomeOwnership employee benefits program that provided industry leading saving and ease with top professional in both mortgage and real estate. By combining these for your employer benefit you will save tens of thousands over buying with a traditional mortgage and real estate company.

How we do this

We provide industry-leading savings, with top professionals in both mortgage and real estate. By combining these two industries we designed our company from scratch for maximum saving while providing great full servicer. As an employer as a benefit, we can give you 50% of the commission in real estate and mortgage because were not pasting our picture on billboards or busses.  This isn’t possible in the traditional companies the agents are getting and giving referrals back and forth to their referral partners not saving you money but charging full price and doing fewer transactions. In both industries, you set how much you keep of the commission we just keep less and give you more for your mortgage. 

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